While the concept of sleep tourism, also referred to as sleep vacation, may seem a bit strange to some, it’s actually a growing trend among travelers who are looking for unique and exotic sleeping experiences on their vacations.
Waking up with a sore throat can be a frustrating and uncomfortable experience. If you find yourself experiencing this problem on a regular basis, it’s important to understand the potential causes so you can take steps to prevent it from happening in the future.
For many couples, as much as they love and want to spend time with each other – sharing a bedroom can still feel challenging and an exhausting act to balance. We’ll guide you through better habits and routines to adopt.
Many women experience sleep problems during menopause. Before preparing for total misery until the hormonal storm has passed, we’ve got some natural ways for you to improve your sleep and quality of life through this significant time.
Starting your vacation with high-stress levels can impact your ability to relax, enjoy and recover during the holidays. We’ve teamed up with our Sleep Expert Li Åslund to manage holiday stress at work and keep healthy (sleep) habits ‘tis season so you can enter the holidays in jolly rather than jaded spirits.
Weighted blankets can be beneficial for sleep. The weight hugs the body, creating a pressure that relaxes the nervous system and improves sleep quality.
We will walk you through common questions and misconceptions about alcohol and sleep and break down what alcohol does to the sleeping body at each sleep stage. Alcohol and sleep simply don’t mix well – read on to understand why.
Sleep is crucial for the healthy development of a child, but as most parents know, getting your child to sleep is not always easy. Keep reading and you might find the key to making your own, and your child’s evenings more enjoyable.
On World Sleep Day, we welcome the attention given to sleep, as we see firsthand how sleep can so often be neglected. Yet at the same time, we know how powerful the impact of good sleep can be when we allow ourselves to…that’s right – just sleep.
A power nap is a short sleep (only between 10-30 minutes) intended to revitalize you. Naps have long been part of life in different cultures, but how helpful are they?
After a long, stressful day, you may feel exhausted but somehow still find yourself unwilling to go to bed. If you’re seeking out “me time” late at night, you could be engaging in revenge bedtime procrastination.
Working remotely offered some people more time to sleep, but for many, it disrupted schedules and hurt sleep quality. Learn how to improve your sleep while working remotely.